Yes. Just about everyone can be hypnotised. Some people are more susceptible than others, but everyone goes into natural trance states on a daily basis. The trance state is a natural phenomenon which occurs numerous times throughout each person’s day, such as when day-dreaming or when driving a car and suddenly realising you had not been aware of the journey for the previous while. Being hypnotised is usually done by relaxing the client until a light trance is induced. A hypnotherapist cannot force you to go into trance against your will.
Yes. Only a light trance is used for therapeutic purposes and some therapies require responses from the client.
Trance will be experienced slightly differently by everyone. In general you will feel relaxed but still aware of whatever is going on around you – my voice or other noises. Although it is not the same as sleep, many people feel refreshed whilst others feel little difference after being in trance. Most people comment on what a pleasant experience it was.
Yes. If there was any problem at any time a person would naturally come out of trance. There is very little that could go wrong in the hands of a professional therapist, whilst sitting relaxed, in a comfortable chair, listening to the therapist’s words. Hypnosis is a proven method for quickly and effectively providing treatment for many issues and helps to bring health and harmony to mind, body and spirit.
Yes. Hypnosis is not the same as being asleep. You will be able to hear noises that occur around you and if at anytime you wished to exit trance you would be able to. You are likely to remember some of what was said but probably not every word. This is normal. After all, even under non-trance situations it is extremely unlikely you would remember everything that had been said for an hour period or more.
Yes. You will be in full control at all times. No one can control your mind unless you let them. The therapist guides you to the resolution of your issue and cannot make you do anything you do not want to do. Your unconscious protects you and so will not allow you to accept any suggestions that go against your ethics or morals. It can be likened to the client driving a car with the therapist sitting beside them navigating. If the therapist says “turn left” and the client doesn’t want to, they will continue driving straight ahead.
No. If trance was not terminated, the person would either fall asleep and awaken naturally or they would simply get bored and get up and leave.
No. Never. Hypnosis is a natural state and does not require drugs of any sort.
You will be made to feel comfortable, at ease and any questions you have will be answered. You will be asked questions about yourself and your issue. The process of expected treatment will be explained. At this stage you may be gently guided into trance by listening to my voice, so that your mind and body are relaxed. Various techniques may then be used for the benefit of the client and when appropriate the trance terminated. There will then be a discussion about the experiences you had and if necessary, how we need to proceed. Finally, payment for the session is made and any further appointments agreed.
Hypnotherapy is a ‘brief’ approach, meaning that, for some problems, only three or four sessions may be required before significant improvement can be seen, rather than years of therapy. It is an extremely effective way of making positive change. So I don’t anticipate working with clients using hypnotherapy for an extended period. However,. each person and each presenting problem is unique and will be treated as such. This means it can be difficult to say in advance that everyone with a similar issue will need the same length of treatment.